What We Do

0.Expert Consultation Services for Establishing TVET Colleges

Curious about starting a college or vocational training center but unsure where to begin? At Dapin Education, we offer specialized consultation services to guide you through the essential steps and requirements. Whether you're envisioning a nursing school, a tech college, or even a bible college, our consultations provide valuable insights on what it takes to establish a reputable institution. Let us help you navigate the complexities and prepare for a successful journey in creating your own educational legacy.

1.College Registration and Establishment

Dapin Education offers a one-stop service that handles all the required paperwork for starting a new college, vocational training Center or even expanding your existing education center to a TVET institution. When you work with us, our dedicated team takes ownership to setup your college/vtc ensuring compliance with all the relevant authorities and give you peace of mind to concentrate on running your institution. Our services are cost-effective and include 100% satisfaction guarantee on all fees.

Here is a list of services offered under this process.

-Craft a TVET-compliant name

-Business registration

-TVET MIS registration

-Courses curriculum procurement

-College Website Development

2. Trainer Registration

Dapin Education supports individuals interested in training within the TVET Sector by aiding in the registration and licensing process with the TVET Authority. We conduct thorough consultations with trainers to assess whether they meet all the necessary requirements for obtaining a license. In cases where trainers lack specific requirements, we provide guidance on the necessary steps to fulfill them, ensuring they are well-positioned to acquire the license.

However if the trainer has all the required qualifications, we help them register with TVET MIS and obtain the license. Dapin Education takes the initiative to follow up on behalf of the trainer, ensuring a swift and efficient process to obtain their license as soon as possible.

3. E-Learning Services

In today's digital world, it's crucial for your college to have a digital setup. We can help by setting up systems for online, hybrid, and on-campus courses, making learning easier. We also create engaging course materials for online, hybrid, or on-campus classes with clear and measurable learning goals.

We start by understanding your specific needs through a thorough assessment and generate the ODEL Needs Assessment Report, a crucial compliance policy. Next, we tailor the instructional content to suit different learner levels, utilizing authoring tools like Canva to develop engaging e-learning materials. Lastly, we assess the outcomes to ensure effectiveness and improvement.

We also empower trainers to make the most of the Learning Management System (LMS), teaching them effective methods for creating and designing their own courses. This includes guidance on enrolling students, ensuring a well-rounded and comprehensive learning experience

4.Policies and Strategy Development

To establish a college or vocational training center, certain crucial documents must be created. The most vital among these is a strategic plan outlining the institution's vision for the next 5 years. This plan, developed by the college and renewed every 5 years, serves as a prerequisite for the renewal of the institution's license.

At Dapin Education, our reputation lies in crafting comprehensive strategic plans for colleges. These plans not only ensure compliance but also provide a structured roadmap for the day-to-day operations of the institution.

Furthermore, for TVET institutions considering the implementation of online learning, known as Open and Distance Learning (ODEL), specific policies are required. These policies include the ODEL Policy and ODEL Needs Assessment reports, in accordance with the TVET ODEL standards of 2023. These essential components are crucial for institutions venturing into online education for their students.

List of policies offered

-College Strategic plan for 5 years.
-ODEL Need Assessment report
-ODEL Policy Development
-Marketing Policy Development

5. Student Support

After completing the KCSE exam, many students are unsure about which college or vocational center offers the courses they're interested in and for which they are qualified. At Dapin Education, we provide consultation services to guide students in choosing the best institution. Our goal is to ensure they enroll in accredited institutions where they can pursue courses they are passionate about. This way, we help prevent frustration caused by enrolling in institutions that may be operating illegally.

List of services offered to TVET Students

Course Selection Guidance:
Provide personalized consultation to help students identify their interests, strengths, and career goals. Offer insights into various courses, majors, and career paths, ensuring informed decision-making.

Private College Placement Assistance:
Assist students in finding the right colleges or vocational training centers based on their chosen courses, academic performance, and preferences. Facilitate the application process and provide support in securing admissions.
Internship and Attachment Opportunities:
Securing internships and attachments can be a significant challenge for students in Kenya. At Dapin Education, we aim to simplify this process by providing students with valuable opportunities to gain hands-on skills in various industries. We achieve this by consolidating internship and attachment openings from our partners and other organizations. This approach ensures a diverse pool of opportunities for students to explore, apply, and secure valuable experiences that might have otherwise been challenging to access.
Scholarship opportunities:

We curate and disseminate authentic full and partial scholarships, both locally and internationally, in collaboration with reputable organizations. This initiative presents students with the opportunity to effortlessly apply for and secure scholarships.

Private College Registration Process

The Process

This are the steps that are taken to establish your Institution

Craft a TVET Compliant Name

Working with the college owner(s), we come up with a name that follows the guidelines of the TVET Act 2013, ensuring it indicates that it's a higher learning institution.

Obtain a letter of no objection

To register a college, the proposed name should be unique. To validate its uniqueness, you must obtain a letter of no objection from the TVET Authority to show they have no objection to the proposed name of your institution.

Register as a business

At the core, a private learning institution operates as a business, whether it is for profit or not (note that the process differs for public institutions).

 Consequently, it is imperative to register it as a business entity with the Registrar of Companies. Following this registration, a business certificate featuring a TVET-compliant name will be issued."

Register with TVET Authority MIS
After obtaining the letter of no objection and a business registration certificate, an institution is required to register with the TVET Authority Management Information System (MIS)
Obtain Curriculum from relevant Examining bodies

For an institution to be allowed to teach a course, they should ensure they obtain the relevant curriculum that contains instructions on how to teach a particular course. This curriculum comes together with the Occupational Standards.

Await Inspection and Accreditation

When all is said and done, you can now await the TVET Authority officers, as well as other relevant authority officers, to come and inspect your institution to determine whether it's compliant with the law and the TVET Act of 2013.

Establish Your Specialized College with US

At Dapin Education, we understand that educational dreams are as diverse as the aspirations of our clients. That's why we take pride in assisting individuals like you in establishing a wide array of specialized colleges across Kenya. Whether your vision is to create a Bible College, a Nursing College, a Hospitality College, or any other unique institution, our expert consultation services are tailored to cater to the distinctive needs of each category.

From crafting compliant names that resonate with the specific focus of your institution to navigating the intricate processes involved in curriculum development, regulatory compliance, and licensing, we are your dedicated partner in transforming your vision into a thriving reality.

Nursing College

Embark on the journey of nurturing healthcare professionals and building a legacy in the field of nursing with Dapin Education's expert assistance in establishing a Nursing College.

Bible College

Step into the realm of theological education and spiritual leadership with Dapin Education's specialized assistance in establishing a Bible College. Our tailored consultation services guide individuals through the intricate process of creating a compliant institution name, developing a robust theological curriculum, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards, and obtaining essential licenses.

Mixed Courses Technical College

Considering the idea of launching a college with a diverse range of courses? We're here to assist you throughout the entire process, from start to finish.