How To Open a Private College in Kenya

What Do I Need to Know Before I start?

Starting a private college or institution in Kenya is a complex and multi-faceted process that requires careful planning and execution. Before embarking on this journey, it's crucial to understand the key elements that form the foundation of a successful educational institution. 

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01. Understanding the Costs Involved

Starting a private college in Kenya requires a significant investment and detailed financial planning. It's essential to understand the various expenses involved to ensure a smooth and successful launch of the institution.

Here are some key costs to prepare for:

  1. Registration Fees with Relevant Authorities: Before opening your college, you must register with the relevant regulatory bodies. This process often involves various fees that must be accounted for in your budget this costs include TVETA Registration Fee,Public Health Inspection report Fee, Business registration fee, Curriculum purchases and other expenses that might occur

  2. Premises Partitioning: Setting up a conducive learning environment is crucial. This includes partitioning the premises to create classrooms, offices, and other essential spaces. The cost of renovation and interior design should be factored into your initial expenses.

  3. Staff Salaries: Recruiting qualified educators and administrative staff is vital to the success of your institution. Salaries and benefits must be budgeted for, as they will be a recurring expense.

  4. Marketing and Recruitment: Attracting students to your college requires a well-planned marketing strategy. Costs associated with advertising, branding, and student recruitment campaigns should be anticipated.

  5. Technology Infrastructure: In today’s digital age, a strong technology infrastructure is indispensable. This includes investments in computers, internet connectivity, software, and other necessary digital tools to support both students and staff.

Understanding these costs upfront will help you create a realistic budget, ensuring that your private college is financially sustainable and well-prepared for success.

02. Choosing the Mode of Learning

Online Learning(ODEL Center)

Online Learning leverages the Open and Distance e-Learning (ODeL) methodologies, as outlined in the TVET ODeL Standards. This approach enables the delivery of courses online, allowing trainers to engage with students through video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, or BigBlueButton. These tools are seamlessly integrated with a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS), such as Moodle or Canvas, to provide a cohesive and interactive learning experience.

It's important to note that while ODeL is an effective mode of learning, it is limited in terms of the scope of courses that can be fully taught online. Therefore, careful consideration is required when choosing this option to ensure it aligns with the specific needs and objectives of the courses being offered.

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Physical Learning

Physical learning is the traditional method of education, where the institution leases a facility and sets up classrooms and workshops in a physical location. In this setting, trainers teach students face-to-face, offering direct, hands-on instruction. This method is straightforward and convenient to start with, but as the institution grows and requires more space, expanding can become challenging.

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Blended Learning(Hybrid)

Blended learning is an innovative approach that combines the strengths of both physical learning and online learning to create a hybrid educational model. This method offers the best of both worlds by integrating face-to-face instruction with digital tools and resources, providing a more flexible and effective learning experience for students.

This is the most sought-after model as it caters to both students and employed individuals in corporate training who may not have the time to attend all classes in person. The best part is that it can be implemented in phases, starting with the physical model and gradually integrating the online component over time.

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Interested in Digital College

We can provide you with the, digital Infrastructure (LMS, Conferencing platform), Computers, Digital Camera,Microphone,Laptops and any other technology needed for easy operation.

03. Private College Registration Process

Craft a Tvet Compliant name

The name of the institution must follow the TVET Act guidelines, not just any name is accepted

Obtain letter of no Objection from TVET MIS

This letter is issued if the name is properly constituted from previous step 

Register as a Business/company

The next step is to head to the E-citizen and register the name as a business however you can opt to register as a company

Finalize With TVET MIS

Go back to TVET MIS platform and continue the registration process after obtaining the business certificate


Await accreditation

Once you have finalized on providing all the details requested on the MIS and you pay the requisite fee you will get acknowledgement of application and when inspection will be done. 

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04. Institution Marketing

After your institution has been accredited by the TVET Authority to offer training, the next essential step is to develop a strong marketing strategy to attract prospective students. A well-planned marketing approach is crucial to avoid financial inefficiencies and ensure a steady enrollment. The strategy should focus on reaching both young learners and corporate trainees, using targeted campaigns and outreach efforts. By crafting a compelling marketing plan, your institution can build a vibrant and diverse student community, ensuring sustained growth and success.

Book a Marketing Appointment with us

Let’s develop a compelling marketing strategy for your institution, or entrust us with the job of marketing your institution across our various channels and platforms.